Sunday, November 8, 2015

jalan-jalan malam

hallo semua..
kali ini mau iseng nulis tentang malam sabtu kemaren sama sahabat gw dari awal masuk kuliah..
mau motret itu baru direncanin sehari sebelumnya karena tiba2 random pengen jalan2 malem di pusat Ibu Kota dan yang dadakan emang biasanya selalu jadi sih,hahaha...
dan serius sih ini nagih, jadi pengen jalan2 random lagi di hari jumat kelar kerja :'D

baru kelar nyebrang dan sampai di sebrang *yaiyalahya*, ada mas2 tukang asongan (yang gw lupa nanya namanya) yang minta difotoin yang kemudian dia ajakin satu bapak2 ikutan foto buat kenang-kenangan..

keep being happy and keep being good, Mas!!

lalu ada beberapa pengunjung yang gw jadiin subjek foto diem-diem..

tiga mas-mas yang lagi asik maenan air di kolam Bunderan HI

 seorang bapak-bapak yang kayaknya homeless..
dari awal duduk sendiri, mulai dari sepatu yang dilepas lalu kemeja dicopot tp masih pake singlet di dalemnya..
duduknya pindah-pindah, dari tengah lalu ke pinggir sambil nenteng-nenteng tas sama kantong plastik..

bapak-bapak lainnya yang duduk sendirian sambil nikmatin jalanan Ibu Kota Jakarta

kenalan juga sama 3 pendatang dari Ambon yang udah seminggu di Jakarta dan tinggal di daerah Tanah Abang..

dan tak kalah foto gw dan sahabat gw yang mau narsis juga XD
karena cuma berduaan, jadi kita andelin tripod dan rata-rata fotonya blur :'D

terimakasih kepada sahabat saya si bule-potan yang sudah terlalu sering menggila bersama saya..
yang udah mau dengerin segala drama kehidupan saya sejak bangku kuliah..

6 years and still counting

dan tak ketinggalan foto yang gw ambil pake kamera henpon kesayangan waktu nyebrang balik ke arah Plaza Indonesia

thanks for reading 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Panties Pizza

hi everybody!!
I'd like to share about a pizza store at Benton Karawaci, Tangerang..
an unique name, isn't it??
so let me get started..

me and best friend were wondering about this pizza store and we decided to go there and try..
they have some kinds of pizza and we tried Tuna Maya and 1001 Nights Pizza..

I can't describe much but I will try to..

this store has an unique and simple interior..
feel so homey XD

here are our pizzas, tuna maya and 1001 nights pizza..
tuna maya contains cheese, mayo and tuna..
1001 nights pizza (as my friend described) tastes like kebab and she liked it..

here's my tuna maya after being unwrapped..
so cheesy :9

a cute panties sticker, isn't it??

iced sjora, mango peach juice..

that's my short describe about panties pizza karawaci..
you can follow them on instagram and twitter @pantieskarawaci

sorry for my very bad english


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

amazing trip to Ujung Kulon on 4-6oct 2013

hai guys!!!!
long time since my last post (I guess I always say this every time I write a post :p)

this time I'm gonna share my trip to Ujung Kulon, Banten, Indonesia..
now I'm officially 23 y.o last August XD

ok back to the topic..
this trip was my first backpacking trip with my friends and they're all from District 15 Starbucks Indonesia's partners..

first was my friend asked me to join he and Fahri to UK (he wrote me this and he meant Ujung Kulon)..
and after my dad gave me permission to have that trip,I said yes to my friend..

so here we go!!

Ujung Kulon was a National Park which is located at Banten, Indonesia and it's well known with its rhinos and unfortunately we couldn't watch them while cano-ing..
we had this trip with Rafauli Trip (err.. I think we could call them as the event organiser) and others backpackers..

the first night was the night we're gonna start our trip by bus to Desa Sumur, Ujung Kulon and it took about 8 to 9 hours..
next day about 6 a.m we reached Desa Sumur and had our breakfast while waiting for the boat coming about an hour..

from the shore to the main boat, we used a small boat to reach it..

that's me :D

this is Fahri

Marcella and Calvin


it took about 3 to 4 hours on boat..
what a tiring trip, I think..
but after we reached the Pulau Peucang, I felt no tired anymore seeing the amazing view around me..
a very clear blue sea and white sand..
Indonesia still has so many beautiful place, the people just (maybe) don't appreciate it..
in their mind is just "international trip" (I guess)..
but sometimes international trip spends so much money on promotional tickets and I think people prefer spending money on international trip..

okay back to the topic..

some great views from the shore and I jumped into the clear sea..

here we are from Starbucks Indonesia District 15 + Calvin escaped from our weekend shift

and here's the National Park where bulls and peacocks live..

some of us woke up at dawn to watch the sunrise
even though we couldn't watch it properly, we still enjoyed the morning air and it was really cold

we did canoeing

we did snorkelling twice and these ones were the second one

Ujung Kulon is a great place, isn't it??